Research Series on Mathematical Model of Tissue Creping: Relation Between Tissue Pattern and Blade Wear Time
关键词:  生活用纸  纹路  起皱  数学模型  弹性模量
Key Words:tissue  pattern  creping  mathematical model  elastic modulus
梁福根* 传化化学集团浙江杭州311231 311231
俞晗 传化化学集团浙江杭州311231 311231
肖鹏 传化化学集团浙江杭州311231 311231
张勇 浙江理工大学材料科学与工程学院浙江杭州310018 310018
陈汉秋 浙江理工大学材料科学与工程学院浙江杭州310018 310018
来雷 传化化学集团浙江杭州311231 311231
陈文杰 传化化学集团浙江杭州311231 311231
姚胜 传化化学集团浙江杭州311231 311231
钱进 传化化学集团浙江杭州311231 311231
丁帅 辛集福德纸业有限公司河北辛集052360 052360
陈世通 辛集福德纸业有限公司河北辛集052360 052360
谢占豪 传化化学集团浙江杭州311231 311231
摘要点击次数: 292
全文下载次数: 116
Abstract:This study introduced the evolutionary relationship between the tissue pattern and the wear time of blade. Based on the observation and analysis of the adhesive layer of the Yangkee dryer during the use cycle of the blade, the evolution of the adhesive layer was actually the elastic modulus evolution of its material under different deformation rates. Through introducing the concept of the deformation area of the adhesive layer caused by pressure and simplifying the physical model using three assumptions, a mechanical analysis was conducted on the small stress zones before and after the impact point. The mathematical relationship model between the average geometric length of the paper patterns and the wear time of the blade was theoretically derived, and the model was simplified under the condition of stable operation of the paper machine for ease of verification. Through practical production verification of the paper machine, the mathematical model was reliable and practical.
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