Exploration and Control of Odor Issues in White Faced Kraft Cardboard
关键词:  白面牛卡纸  异味  控制
Key Words:white faced kraft cardboard  odor  control
韩陈晓 山东世纪阳光纸业集团有限公司山东潍坊262499 262499
贾文玲* 山东世纪阳光纸业集团有限公司山东潍坊262499 262499
常永生 山东世纪阳光纸业集团有限公司山东潍坊262499 262499
李咸照 山东世纪阳光纸业集团有限公司山东潍坊262499 262499
王艺 山东世纪阳光纸业集团有限公司山东潍坊262499 262499
摘要点击次数: 465
全文下载次数: 339
Abstract:White faced kraft cardboard, which is widely used in high-end carton packaging for the food and beverage industry, would severely impact customers’ usage experience if it had an odor issue. Through investigation, this study found that factors such as the pulp temperature in the papermaking system, white water circulation, and the addition of papermaking auxiliaries could all contribute to the production of odors in white faced kraft cardboard. To address the odor problem in white faced kraft cardboard products, one approach was to reduce the temperature in the pulp and papermaking system, enhance the circulatory fluidity of the water and pulp systems in the production process, and disrupt the environment conducive to microbial growth. Another approach was to decrease the addition of high-nitrogen auxiliaries, adjust the raw material structure and optimize the pulping process achieving the physical properties of the base paper, thereby effectively controlling the occurrence of odors.
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