Recent Development of Domestic Pulping and Papermaking Equipment
关键词:  制浆造纸装备  国产化  工业4.0
Key Words:pulping and papermaking equipment  domestication  Industry 4.0
程金兰 南京林业大学江苏省绿色制浆造纸与生物质材料重点实验室江苏南京210037 210037
梁辰 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004 530004
李薇 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004 530004
沙九龙 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004 530004
骆莲新 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004 530004
王双飞* 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004 530004
摘要点击次数: 908
全文下载次数: 304
Abstract:This paper introduced the development of Chinese pulping and papermaking equipment in recent decade from the whole process. Domestic pulping and papermaking equipment had made significant technological advancements, straw pulping equipment, cleaning bleaching equipment had achieved breakthrough, some of them had become industry frontiers. Medium and high-speed tissue paper machine, hydraulic headbox, disk refiner, shoe press, and other equipment could now be produced domestically. Wastepaper pulping equipment had also experienced rapid development. Industry 4.0 in pulping and papermaking promoted the digital and intelligent transformation of equipment and aims to achieve more sustainable and efficient production. However, compared to industry leaders around the globe, domestic pulp & paper equipment manufacturing enterprises still has gaps to be filled in terms of scale, technology and quality. It is necessary to develop key technologies to close the gaps and push domestic equipment to a higher level.
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