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PVA/阳离子淀粉双物理交联植物纤维基泡沫缓冲材料的制备及性能研究 |
Preparation and Process Optimization of PVA/ Cationic Starch Double Cross-linking Plant Fiber-based Foaming Cushioning Materials |
收稿日期:2024-04-23 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2024.11.011 |
关键词: 植物纤维 双交联作用 泡沫成形 缓冲性能 回收性 |
Key Words:plant fibers double cross-linking foam forming process cushioning performance recyclability |
基金项目:广东省自然科学基金项目(2021A1515010538);制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室项目(2020ZD02);国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1902102)。 |
摘要点击次数: 549 |
全文下载次数: 301 |
摘要:本研究利用泡沫成形工艺,结合聚乙烯醇(PVA)和阳离子淀粉(CS)与植物纤维的双物理交联协同作用,构建具有3D骨架网络结构的植物纤维基泡沫缓冲材料。探究了浆浓对泡孔结构及静态压缩性能的影响,采用正交实验和极差分析优化了工艺条件,并表征了植物纤维基泡沫缓冲材料的可回收性。结果表明,当浆浓1.5%,十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)质量分数3.8%,CS质量分数15%,PVA质量分数12%,转速2 500 r/min时,可获得兼具均匀多孔结构、低密度(0.0363 g/cm3)、良好的力学和缓冲性能(弹性模量285.8 kPa,最小缓冲系数4.4),以及可回收(回收率86%)的植物纤维基泡沫缓冲材料(PFF-CM)。 |
Abstract:In this study, a simple approach for manufacturing plant fiber-based cushioning foams featuring 3D (three dimensional) backbone network was developed, combined the synergistic effect of double physical cross-linking of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and cationic starch (CS) with plant fibers, through foam forming process. The effect of the pulp consistency on the cell structure and static compressive performance of plant fiber-based foam was investigated, the process conditions were optimized by designing the orthogonal experiments and range analysis, and the recyclability of plant fiber-based cushioning foam materials was characterized. The results showed that when the pulp consistency was 1.5%, the obtained recyclable (weight recovery efficiency was 86%) plant fiber foam cushioning materials (PFF-CM) under the conditions of SDS with mass ratio of 3.8%, CS with mass ratio of 15%, PVA with mass ratio of 12%, speed of 2 500 r/min, showing uniform porous structure, low density (0.0363 g/cm3), favorable mechanical and cushioning properties (the elastic modulus was 285.8 kPa and the minimum cushioning coefficient was 4.4). |
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