Progress of Evolution and Innovation of Japanese Washi
关键词:  和纸  机械化  演进  创新
Key Words:washi  mechanization  evolution  innovation
基金项目:国家社科基金重大项目“古籍保护学科建设与基础理论研究” (19ZDA343)。
张静语 复旦大学中华古籍保护研究院上海200433 200433
刘鹏 复旦大学中华古籍保护研究院上海200433 200433
黄艳燕* 复旦大学中华古籍保护研究院上海200433 200433
摘要点击次数: 829
全文下载次数: 662
Abstract:In response to requirements change and technology progresses, a new category of Japanese handmade washi, the mechanized washi, has been derived. This paper discussed the connotation, definition and scope of application of washi, provided a systematic introduction to the evolution of Japanese washi, and focused on gathering technological innovations in the process of mechanizing washi, including effective measures such as the addition of chemical substances and tool improvements. While evolving and innovating, washi also strived to preserve traditional techniques. This article prospected the significance of washi innovation for the future inheritance and development of traditional Chinese handmade paper. Chinese handmade paper should strengthen the standardization and normalization of all aspects of the papermaking process to protect the characteristics of traditional papermaking technology. At the same time, evaluation indicators and strategies should also be improved to ensure the quality and sustainable development of paper after mechanization.
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