Current Situation, Problems, and Countermeasures of Paper Production for the Restoration of Ancient Books—On Site Investigation Based on National Intangible Cultural Heritage Handmade Paper
关键词:  古籍修复用纸  手工纸作坊  造纸工艺
Key Words:paper for restoring ancient books  handmade paper workshops  paper making process
汪帆 浙江图书馆浙江杭州310000 310000
刘华 浙江师范大学图书馆浙江金华321004 321004
摘要点击次数: 681
全文下载次数: 412
Abstract:From the perspective of protecting ancient books, paper used for restoration is the most important carrier material in the process of restoring ancient books, and its paper performance directly affects the final restoration effect. This paper introduced the development process and current situation of paper for the restoration of ancient books since the Chinese Ancient Books Protection Plan. Aiming at the shortage and quality problems of paper for the restoration of ancient books, this paper revealed the living situation and predicament of intangible cultural heritage handmade paper workshops and manufacturers through data inquiry and field investigation. The influence of changes in curtain technology, raw material selection time, bleaching process, cooking method, papermaking water, paper baking tools and other aspects on handmade paper were studied, and put forward suggestions to support intangible cultural heritage handmade paper workshops and formulate traditional handmade paper production standards. In order to ensure the survival and continuation of traditional handmade papermaking techniques and which provided guarantee for the restoration of ancient books in China.
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