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可持续性纸质文物保存环境温湿度调控策略研究 |
Sustainability Control Strategy of Temperature and Relative Humidity in Conservation Environment of Paper Cultural Relics |
收稿日期:2024-04-15 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2024.10.013 |
关键词: 纸质文物 保存环境 温度 相对湿度 可持续性 |
Key Words:paper cultural relics conservation environment temperature relative humidity sustainability |
基金项目:国家图书馆科研项目(NLC-KY-2022-22)。 |
摘要点击次数: 562 |
全文下载次数: 374 |
摘要:本研究分析了华北平原12间恒温恒湿库房和45间温湿度轻控制库房的历史温湿度,并计算了纸质文物在上述历史温湿度下保存的预期寿命和机械损伤风险。结果表明,恒温恒湿控制时,允许保存温度在推荐范围内随外界气候变化存在一定的季节波动,能够在不影响纸质文物安全的情况下,提高温湿度控制的能源经济性和保存环境的温湿度稳定性。在华北平原,大部分时段轻控制温湿度能保证纸质文物安全。凉爽/干燥季节低温保存,当大气湿度升高致保存湿度接近允许上限时,提高温度设定值,当保存温度达到允许上限后再同时控制温湿度,是全年或季节性凉爽/干燥地区的一种可持续性纸质文物保存温湿度调控策略。 |
Abstract:History temperature and relative humidity of 12 constantly controlled temperature and humidity storerooms and 45 lightly controlled temperature and humidity storerooms in the North China Plain were analyzed, and the corresponding life expectancy and mechanical damage risk of paper cultural relics conserved in above-mentioned condition were calculated. It was found that allowing temperature in constantly controlled temperature and humidity storerooms had seasonal fluctuations that adapted to the changes of ambient climate within the recommended range, which could improve the energy economy and stability of temperature and relative humidity in the conservation environment, while didn’t affect the safety of paper cultural relics. Most of the year, the history temperature and relative humidity of the lightly controlled conservation environment in the North China could ensure the safety of paper cultural relics. Conserve paper cultural relics at lower temperature in cool/dry season. When the relative humidity of conservation environment reached the upper limit of the allowed range as the humidity of atmosphere rises, increased the temperature setpoint. When temperature reached the upper limit of the allowed range, control temperature and relative humidity at the same time. It was a sustainable conservation strategy for year-round or seasonal cool/dry areas. |
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