Paper Research and Classified Restoration of the Qing Dynasty Tong Jian Ji Shi Ben Mo Collected in the National Museum of China
关键词:  纤维分析  显微观察  古籍虫洞观察  分类修复
Key Words:fiber analysis  microscopic observation  observation of moth-eaten ancient books  classified repair
刘剑辉 中国国家博物馆北京100006 100006
摘要点击次数: 576
全文下载次数: 394
Abstract:Tong Jian Ji Shi Ben Mo(80 volume) was block-printed edition from Jiangxi Publishing House, edited in the twelfth year of Qing Dynasty’s emperor Tongzhi, which was collected in the National Museum of China, had suffered from insect damage, broken threads, losses, water damage, and stains. In order to formulate a reasonable protection and restoration plan, various modern analytical techniques were employed to analyze the physical properties of the paper, and the fiber composition and processing techniques were inferred according to the observed fiber morphology. In response to the contradiction between the large amount of ancient books and limited repair capacity, a classification repair plan was formulated based on preservation requirements. During the conservation work, sulphuryl fluoride fumigation was carried out before restoration, and the customized folding cases were made after the restoration. The results showed that the cover paper, label paper, and inner pages of the books were bamboo paper without coating. The average pH value of the ancient book paper was 5.5, indicating mild acidification. Given the strength of the paper, deacidification treatment was not performed during the restoration. In the actual restoration process, five volumes were selected for complete restoration that one of repaired page by page and flattened, four of underwent partial repair, and remaining volumes had covers’ repaire and the threads’ replacement.
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