Identification of Mold Species and Research on Mold Prevention in the Rubbings of Zhang Qian Memorial Hall in Chenggu County
关键词:  拓片  霉菌鉴定  纳米ZnO  防霉
Key Words:rubbing  mold identification  nano-zinc oxide  mold prevention
赵佳倪 城固县张骞纪念馆陕西汉中723000 723000
李思杨 陕西师范大学历史文化遗产保护教育部工程研究中心陕西西安710119 710119
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摘要:拓片作为一类重要的纸质文献,是记录中华民族文化历史的重要载体,对其进行保护研究具有重要意义。本研究针对城固县张骞纪念馆馆藏拓片文献滋生大量霉菌的状况,利用PDA培养基对霉菌进行分离纯化,再采用显微形态学观察与18S rDNA-ITS序列分析相结合的方法对霉菌种类进行科学鉴定。结果表明,该批拓片上的霉菌种类主要为黑曲霉、木霉、青霉和黄曲霉。对不同质量分数纳米ZnO进行防霉性能研究,通过宏观观察和扫描电镜微观观察,质量分数2.0%的纳米ZnO可以对纸张起到很好的防霉作用。
Abstract:Rubbings are important documents in China, which serve as important carriers of the nation’s cultural history. Therefore, conservation research is of great importance for the long-term preservation of rubbings. In view of the fact that there was a large amount of mold growth in the rubbings of the Zhang Qian Memorial Hall in Chenggu County. In this study the molds were isolated and purified using PDA culture medium. Then, for the scientific identification of the molds, a combination of micromorphological observation and 18S rDNA-ITS sequence analysis was used. The results showed that the predominant mold species found in this batch of rubbings were Aspergillus nigerTrichoderma, Penicillium, and Aspergillus flavus. Different concentrations of nano-ZnO were investigated for their antifungal performance. The macroscopic observation and the microscopic observation based on the scanning electron microscope showed that 2.0% nano-ZnO exhibited effective anti-mold properties on the paper samples.
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