Material Analyses and Study of the Book Page Paper from Two Volumes of Si Ku Quan Shu Stored in the Northern Four Pavilions in Qing Dynasty
关键词:  《四库全书》  金线榜纸  宣纸  纤维
Key Words:Si Ku Quan Shu  Jin Xian Bang Zhi  Xuan paper  fiber
吕淑贤 北京大学图书馆北京100871 100871
易晓辉 国家图书馆古籍保护科技文化和旅游部重点 实验室北京100034 100034
钟迪 北京大学图书馆北京100871 100871
康葆强 故宫博物院北京100009 100009
杨益民 中国科学院大学人文学院北京100049 100049
王恺 北京联合大学考古研究院北京100191 100191
摘要点击次数: 720
全文下载次数: 460
Abstract:In this study, choosing two version books of Si Ku Quan Shu from Wenyuan Pavilion and Wenjin Pavilion as research paper examples, a comprehensive analysis of the composition of the two paper samples was conducted. The results showed that the two types of paper samples had similar basis weight, but there were some differences in thickness and density, and the fiber composition of both paper samples were wingceltis and rice straw proving that the paper category was Xuan paper. The microscopic morphologies of both sides of the two paper samples were same, with a small amount of mineral particles scattered between the fibers, and main elemental components of the two paper samples were C, O, Si, S, and Ca. C and O were consistent with the overall shape of fibers, while Ca and S were mainly distributed between the fibers to be filled with pore space, proving for the main components of the mineral particles. Both paper samples had single-layer structure, and mineral particles were randomly distributed inside the paper, and the main components of the mineral particles in the two paper samples were confirmed to be gypsum (CaSO4 · 2H2O), a small amount of calcite (CaCO3) was also present in the paper sample from Wenyuan Pavilion. Based on the above results, it could be preliminarily speculated that part of the Jin Xian Bang Zhi paper used for the Si Ku Quan Shu stored in the northern four pavilions was single Xuan paper with the wingceltis and rice straw mixed material containing gypsum components.
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