Exploring the Evolutionary Path, Current Status, and Development Frontier of Carbon Sequestration Research Based on Big Data of Literature
关键词:  碳汇  文献计量分析  LDA  研究主题
Key Words:carbon  biliometric analysis  LDA  research topic
李昱霏 西安财经大学陕西西安710100 710100
付羽涵 西安财经大学陕西西安710100 710100
高永林* 中国轻工集团有限公司北京100102 100102
李怡多 西安财经大学陕西西安710100 710100
陈翔 西安财经大学陕西西安710100 710100
摘要点击次数: 1615
全文下载次数: 639
摘要:气候变化引发的环境危机中,CO2排放成为焦点,影响人类生活与社会经济。本研究基于中国知网,对2020—2023年碳汇领域4 241篇期刊文献进行计量与主题建模分析,利用Excel、Citespace工具展示文献数量、时间、作者及机构等多维度特征,并通过LDA模型探索研究主题及其演变。结果表明,碳汇研究产出丰富且质量高,作者合作活跃。研究主题随时间扩展,从早期的碳汇、储量等7个主题,到中期的生态、排放等9个主题,再到近期的农业、发展等10个主题,反映了碳汇研究不断深化与细化的趋势。
Abstract:Amid the environmental crisis triggered by climate change, carbon dioxide emissions have emerged as a pivotal issue, impacting human life and socio-economic development. This study, leveraging the China National Knowledge Internet (CNKI), conducted a quantitative and thematic modeling analysis of 4 241 core journal articles in the carbon sequestration field from 2020 to 2023. Utilizing Excel and Citespace tools, it presented a multi-dimensional analysis of the quantity, temporal distribution, authors,and research institutions. Furthermore, the LDA model was employed to explore the research themes and their evolution. The results indicated a substantial and high-quality output in carbon sequestration research, The core journals were highly concentrated, and there was robust collaboration among authors. The research themes had expanded over time, evolving from seven themes such as carbon sequestration and reserves in the early period, to nine themes including ecology and emissions in the mid-period, and finally to ten themes encompassing agriculture and development in the recent period. This reflected a deepening and refinement trend in carbon sequestration research.
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