Research Progress on Preparation and Properties of Cellulose Nanocrystals Based Photonic Crystal Thin Film Materials
关键词:  纤维素纳米晶体  蒸发诱导自组装  光子晶体薄膜  功能材料
Key Words:cellulose nanocrystals  evaporation induced self-assembly  photonic crystal film  functional materials
宗广龙 浙江科技大学浙江杭州310012 310012
程正柏 浙江景兴纸业股份有限公司 浙江嘉兴314214 314214
孟亚会 浙江科技大学浙江杭州310012 310012
赵会芳 浙江科技大学浙江杭州310012 310012
摘要点击次数: 1980
全文下载次数: 852
Abstract:Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) is a type of nanoscale cellulose extracted from natural fibers, and can form thin film materials with chiral nematic structures and bright colors through the method of evaporation induced self-assembly (EISA), which can provide rich and intuitive visual information, making it the preferred for the new generation of photonic liquid crystal materials. However, CNC-based photonic materials currently suffer from issues such as poor mechanical properties and dynamic optical response, making it difficult to achieve their functional expansion. Therefore, the additives are usually added to improve the flexibility and adaptability of CNC. Hence, this review aimed to systematically elaborate on the current preparation processes and influencing factors of photonic crystal thin films by combining CNC’s characteristics and summarized different controllable preparation schemes, including mechanical strength, color responsiveness, etc. Meanwhile, it also emphasized the potential applications and development trends of CNC-based photonic materials in different fields.
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