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稠浆法工艺对烟草薄片浆料性能的影响研究 |
Study on the Effects of Slurry Process on Slurry Properties of Reconstituted Tobacco Sheets |
收稿日期:2024-02-02 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2024.08.014 |
关键词: 稠浆法烟草薄片 浆料 多重光散射仪 稳定性指数 均匀性指数 |
Key Words:slurry-type reconstituted tobacco sheet slurry multiple-light scatterer stability index uniformity index |
基金项目:河南中烟科技项目(AN2023032)。 |
摘要点击次数: 828 |
全文下载次数: 712 |
摘要:利用Turbiscan Lab多重光散射仪,研究了稠浆法烟草薄片浆料制备工艺,如浆料配制温度、加水量、针叶木浆用量、胶黏剂种类和用量等因素,对浆料稳定性、均匀性和沉淀层厚度的影响。结果表明,浆料配制温度应低于60 ℃,加入4.05倍水(相对于烟粉绝干质量)的浆液稳定性、均匀性最好。针叶木浆用量3%(相对于烟粉绝干质量)的浆料均匀性最好,沉淀层厚度小;针叶木浆用量5%(相对于烟粉绝干质量)的浆料稳定性最好。适宜的胶黏剂为3%羧甲基纤维素钠(相对于烟粉绝干质量)。 |
Abstract:Effects of indicators of slurry process, including temperature of slurry preparation, amount of water, softwood pulp dosage, kinds and dosage of adhesive on slurry stability, uniformity and thickness of precipitation layer were investigated using Turbiscan Lab multiple-light scatterer. The results showed that the temperature of slurry preparation should be lower than 60 ℃, the stability and uniformity of the slurry with the amount of water of 4.05 times (relative to the absolute dry mass of tobacco powder) was the best. The slurry with softwood pulp dosage of 3% (relative to the absolute dry mass of tobacco powder) had the best uniformity and small thickness of precipitation layer; the slurry with softwood pulp dosage of 5%(relative to the absolute dry mass of tobacco powder) had the best stability. The suitable binder was sodium carboxymethyl cellulose with dosage of 3% (relative to the absolute dry mass of tobacco powder). |
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