Mechanism Analysis of Enhanced Anaerobic Digestion of US-FNA Combined Pretreatment Sludge
关键词:  超声波  游离亚硝酸  剩余污泥预处理  厌氧消化
Key Words:ultrasound  free nitrous acid  excess activated sludge pretreatment  anaerobic digestion
雷谨旭 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004 530004
谢立 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004 530004
吴宛励 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院广西南宁530004 530004
张健 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院湖南长沙410082
谢春敏 广西博世科环保科技股份有限公司广西南宁530007 530007
朱琦 广西博世科环保科技股份有限公司广西南宁530007 530007
李超* 湖南碧臣环境能源有限公司湖南长沙410129 410129
汤琳* 湖南大学环境科学与工程学院湖南长沙410082 410082
摘要点击次数: 894
全文下载次数: 671
Abstract:In this study, the effects of ultrasonic (US) pretreatment, free nitrous acid (FNA) pretreatment and ultrasonic-freenitrous acid (US-FNA) combined pretreatment on many aspects of sludge, including the dissolution of organic matter, dispersion of flocs, release of cellular contents, and methanogenic performance. The results showed that the primary impact of ultrasonic pretreatment was the dispersion of flocs and the dissolution of extracellular polymeric substances, whereas the pretreatment with free nitrous acid resulted in the release of cell content. In comparison to the no-treatment control, the generation of sludge methane exhibited a significant increase of 37.1%. Specifically, the ultrasonic group demonstrated a 1.07-fold increase, while the free nitrous acid group had a 1.08-fold rise. Nevertheless, the combined pretreatment of ultrasonic and free nitrous acid exhibited distinct roles, and no apparent synergistic impact was seen. The incorporation of free nitrous acid had the potential to decrease the rate of gas generation during the initial phase of anaerobic digestion of sludge. However, it did not exert a substantial impact on the overall gas output over time. The examination of microbial flora in sludge following fermentation revealed that the presence of free nitrous acid had a significant influence on the variety of microorganisms in the sludge.
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