Research on Pulping and Bleaching Performances of Distillers’ Grains
关键词:  白酒丢糟  硫酸盐法制浆  纸浆漂白  制浆性能
Key Words:distillers’grains  kraft pulping  pulp bleaching  pulping performance
高洪霞 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644000 644000
唐荣华 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644000 644000
蔡振宇 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644000 644000
袁德峰 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644000 644000
杨韬 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644000 644000
摘要点击次数: 1074
全文下载次数: 794
摘要:本研究首先以白酒丢糟为原料,采用硫酸盐法蒸煮工艺,分析了用碱量、硫化度和最高蒸煮温度对纸浆得率的影响;然后采用单因素法研究了D0段漂前pH值、ClO2用量、漂白温度、漂白时间,对漂白得率、纸浆白度的影响,并采用正交法优化了D0段工艺。结果表明,在液比1∶3(g∶mL)时,白酒丢糟最佳蒸煮条件为:用碱量20%、硫化度20%、最高蒸煮温度150 ℃,此时纸浆得率25.1%、高锰酸钾值19.8、白度19.2%。D0ED1三段漂白的最佳工艺条件为:D0段的漂前pH值2.01、ClO2用量4%、漂白温度60 ℃、漂白时间30 min;E段的用碱量2%、漂白温度70 ℃、漂白时间60 min;D1段ClO2用量1.5%、漂白温度70 ℃、漂白时间120 min,此时纸浆白度为57.2%,高锰酸钾值1.9。
Abstract:This study firstly used distiller’s grains as raw material, adopted the sulfate cooking process, and analyzed the effects of alkali dosage, sulfidity, and maximum cooking temperature on pulp yield. Then, using the complete randomalized method, the paper studied the effects of pH value before bleaching on the D0 stage, ClO2 dosage, bleaching temperature, and bleaching time on bleaching yield and pulp whiteness, and optimized the D0 stage process using orthogonal method. The results showed that under a liquid ratio of 1∶3(g∶mL), the optimal cooking conditions for distillers’ grains were as follows: alkali dosage of 20%, sulfidity of 20%, and maximum cooking temperature of 150 ℃, the pulp yield of 25.1%, potassium permanganate value of 19.8, and whiteness of 19.2%. The optimal process conditions for the D0ED1 three-stage bleaching were as follows: for D0 stage, pH value before bleaching of 2.01, ClO2 dosage of 4%, bleaching temperature of 60 ℃, and bleaching time of 30 min, for stage E, alkali dosage of 2%, bleaching temperature of 70 ℃, and bleaching time of 60 min, for stage D1, ClO2 dosage of 1.5%, bleaching temperature of 70 ℃, and bleaching time of 120 min, the pulp brightness and potassium permanganate value was 57.2% and 1.9, respectively.
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