Study on the DDS Cooking of Bambusa changningensis Yi et B. X. Li
关键词:  佯黄竹  置换蒸煮  用碱量  硫化度  卡伯值
Key Words:Bambusa changningensis Yi et B. X. Li  replacement cooking  alkali dosage  sulphidity  Kappa value
庞春霞 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644005 644005
赵举 四川省造纸产品质量监督检验中心四川乐山614000 614000
姜峰 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644005 644005
肖祺聪 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644005 644005
赵明瑶 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644005 644005
张盛权 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644005 644005
刘习末 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644005 644005
赵兴涛 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644005 644005
李文俊 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644005 644005
杨玲* 四川轻化工大学生物工程学院四川宜宾644005 644005
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摘要:结合单因素实验法和Box-Behnken响应面法研究了用碱量、硫化度、液比、不同蒸煮阶段用碱量的配比、最高蒸煮温度和保温时间对佯黄竹置换蒸煮(DDS)效果的影响。单因素实验结果表明,佯黄竹DDS蒸煮的浆料卡伯值受用碱量、硫化度、最高蒸煮温度和保温时间的影响较大。通过响应面实验对用碱量、硫化度和保温时间进行进一步优化,得到非线性回归方程。方差分析和显著性测试结果表明,所拟合模型拟合程度较高。对方程求解得出最优佯黄竹DDS蒸煮工艺条件为:用碱量23.0%(NaOH计)、硫化度18%(Na2S计)、液比1∶4.5、最高蒸煮温度160 ℃、保温时间70 min、用碱量质量比(预浸渍段︰温充段︰热充段)为20∶20∶60。在该蒸煮条件下的细浆得率为49.0%,竹浆卡伯值可降低至16.2。
Abstract:A combined approach of single factor experiment and Box-Behnken response surface methodology was employed to investigate the influences of alkali dosage, sulphidity, liquid ratio, the proportion of alkali dosage at different cooking stages, maximum cooking temperature, and holding time on the DDS simulation cooking of Bambusa changningensis Yi et B.X.Li. The results of the single factor experiment revealed that the Kappa value of the DDS pulp was significantly affected by alkali dosage, sulphidity, maximum cooking temperature, and holding time. Through response surface experiments, the alkali dosage, sulphidity and holding time were further optimized, and the nonlinear regression equation was obtained. The obtained equation demonstrated a good fit according to analysis of variance and significance test. The optimum conditions for the DDS simulation cooking were determined as follows: alkali charge of 23.0% (in terms of NaOH), sulphidity of 18% (in terms of Na2S), liquid ratio of 1∶4.5, maximum cooking temperature of 160 ℃, holding time of 70 min, and alkali dosage mass ratio of 20∶20∶60 (IC∶MC∶FC). Under these cooking conditions, the yield of fine pulp was 49.0% and the Kappa value of the bamboo pulp could be reduced to 16.2.
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