Study on the Performance of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Separator Prepared from Hemp Bamboo Fiber
关键词:  铝电解电容器隔膜  麻竹浆  吸水性能  绝缘性能
Key Words:aluminum electrolytic capacitor separator  hemp and bamboo pulp  water absorption  insulation properties
李思帮 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
龙金* 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
王宜 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
熊志远 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
胡健 华南理工大学轻工科学与工程学院广东广州510640 510640
摘要点击次数: 1084
全文下载次数: 825
摘要:本研究在低紧度下,以麻竹浆和剑麻浆为原料,经相同的过程处理后,通过PFI磨浆处理,采用PTI湿法成形制备单层铝电解电容器隔膜,探讨麻竹浆作为电解电容器隔膜原料的可行性。对浆料制备的电解电容器隔膜孔径结构、吸水性能、绝缘性能进行测试。结果表明,打浆度20、65 °SR的麻竹隔膜平均孔径分别为24.88、1.11 μm,Cobb吸水值分别为26.89、35.59 g/m2,交流击穿强度分别为59.12、97.98 kV/cm。打浆度20和65 °SR的剑麻隔膜平均孔径分别为26.67、7.12 μm,Cobb吸水值分别为21.25、33.24 g/m2,交流击穿强度分别为50.68、92.21 kV/cm。麻竹隔膜的表面吸水能力、击穿强度大于剑麻隔膜,同时其孔径小于剑麻隔膜,说明麻竹浆可以做铝电解电容器隔膜原料。
Abstract:This study prepared the preparation of single-layer aluminum electrolytic capacitor separator by using hemp bamboo pulp and sisal pulp as raw materials under low tightness, after the same process treatment, PFI grinding and refining treatment, and PTI wet forming, and whether hemp bamboo pulp could be used as raw materials for electrolytic capacitor separators. The pore size, water absorption and insulation properties of the electrolytic capacitor separator prepared by slurry were tested. The results showed that the average pore sizes of the 20 and 65 °SR separator were 24.88 and 1.11 μm,respectively. The water absorption value of erection was 26.89 and 35.59 g/m2,respectively. The breakdown strength under AC was 59.12 and 97.98 kV/cm,respectively. The average pore sizes of the sisal septum at 20 °SR and 65 °SR were 26.67 μm and 7.12 μm,respectively. The water absorption value of erection was 21.25 and 33.24 g/m2,respectively. The breakdown strength under AC was 50.68 and 92.21 kV/cm,respectively. It was found that the surface water absorption capacity and breakdown strength of the separator were greater than those of the sisal separator, and its pore size was smaller than that of the sisal separator, so it showed that the hemp bamboo pulp could be used as the raw material for the separator of aluminum electrolytic capacitors.
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