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国外加热卷烟芯材配方设计及制备工艺技术分析 |
Design of Heated Tobacco Core Material Formula and Analysis of Preparation Technology |
收稿日期:2024-02-17 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2024.06.010 |
关键词: 加热卷烟 芯材 配方设计 制备工艺 |
Key Words:heated tobacco core material formula design preparation process |
基金项目:云南中烟工业有限责任公司科技计划项目“超微粉体在再造烟叶微观结构中的构效关系研究及应用”(2023YL02);中烟施伟策(云南)再造烟叶有限公司科技项目“国内外加热卷烟芯材制备工艺技术调研分析”(KY23ZL11)。 |
摘要点击次数: 943 |
全文下载次数: 796 |
摘要:为使国内加热卷烟芯材领域科研工作者及生产制造企业规避因国外产品配方、制备工艺、产品形态等产品设计及工艺造成的知识产权侵权风险。对菲利普莫里斯生产公司(PMI)、英美烟草(投资)有限公司(BAT)、日本烟草国际股份有限公司(JTI)、R·J·雷诺兹烟草公司(R.J.Reynolds)4大全球跨国烟草公司在中国关于加热卷烟芯材的配方设计及制备工艺技术的所有专利布局进行了全面的统计、分析、梳理、归纳和总结,旨在为我国加热卷烟芯材的设计、研发及生产创新性突破提供参考。结果表明,4大全球跨国烟草公司在加热卷烟芯材的配方设计、制备工艺及产品形态的专利布局呈现牢固的金字塔结构,专利布局具有严谨性、精细性、全面性的特点。 |
Abstract:In order to enable domestic researchers and manufacturing enterprises in the field of heated tobacco core materials to avoid intellectual property infringement risks caused by foreign product formulas, preparation processes, product forms, and other product designs and processes. Comprehensive statistics, analysis, sorting, summarization of all patent layouts in China related to the formula design and preparation technology of heated tobacco core materials by four global multinational tobacco companies which were PMI, BAT, JTI, and R.J. Reynolds. The purpose was to provide reference for the innovative breakthrough of design, research and development and production of heated tobacco core materials in China. The results showed that the patent layout of the formula design, preparation process, and product form of heated tobacco core materials by the four major global multinational tobacco companies presented a solid pyramid structure, and the patent layout had the characteristics of rigor, precision, and comprehensiveness. |
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