Application of Cationic Modified Fibers in Heat-not-burn Reconstituted Tobacco by Papermaking Composite Method
关键词:  阳离子改性纤维  加热不燃烧烟草薄片  吸收性能
Key Words:cationic modified fibers  heat-not-burn reconstituted tobacco  absorption properties
王克彦 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 300457
罗冲 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
陈顺辉 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
王保会 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
田云增 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
李锦 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
闫瑛 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
李斌 中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院河南郑州450001 450001
张展 中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院河南郑州450001 450001
张俊岭* 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
温洋兵* 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 300457
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摘要:本研究利用阳离子改性纤维具有正电荷和高保水值的特点,与漂白木浆复合抄造制备加热不燃烧烟草薄片基片,以提升基片的吸收性能。结果表明,阳离子改性纤维的添加能有效降低基片的紧度,提升其对涂布液的吸收性能,增加加热不燃烧烟草薄片对涂布液的负载率。未添加阳离子改性纤维的加热不燃烧烟草薄片涂布负载率达121.69%,而阳离子改性纤维添加量为100%的加热不燃烧烟草薄片涂布负载率达215.58%,与前者相比增加了93.89个百分点。选择添加量为60%(相对于绝干木浆总质量)的阳离子改性纤维用于加热不燃烧烟草薄片基片制备,其基片紧度为0.45 g/cm3,孔隙率达70.90%,透气度17.92 μm/(Pa·s),制备的加热不燃烧烟草薄片对涂布液的负载率达154.67%,并具有良好的吸食口感。
Abstract:In this study, cationic modified fibers with positive charge and higher water retention value were used to prepare heat-not-burn reconstituted tobacco sheet substrate, by composite papermaking with bleached wood pulp to improve the absorption performance of the substrate. The results showed that the dosage of cationic modified fibers could effectively reduce the tightness of the substrate, improve its absorption performance to the coating solution, and increase the loading ratio of the heat-not-burn reconstituted tobacco to the coating solution. The coating loading ratio of heat-not-burn reconstituted tobacco was 121.69% without cationic modified fiber. Howere, the coating loading ratio of heat-not-burn reconstituted tobacco could reached 215.58% with the doasge of cationic modified fiber was 100%, which increased 93.89 percentage points. The cationic modified fiber was selected to prepare the tobacco sheet substrate with the dosage of 60%. The substrate’s tightness was 0.45 g/cm3, the porosity was 70.90%, and the air permeability was 17.92 μm/(Pa·s). The loading rate of the prepared heat-not-burn reconstituted tobacco to the coating solution was 154.67%, and the heat-not-burn reconstituted tobacco had good taste.
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