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卷烟纸中的钾钠离子添加剂对卷烟性能的影响研究 |
A Study on the Effects of Potassium and Sodium Ion Additives in Cigarette Paper on Cigarette Performance |
收稿日期:2023-12-22 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2024.06.007 |
关键词: 卷烟纸 钾钠离子添加剂 包灰性能 烟气指标 |
Key Words:cigarette paper potassium and sodium ion additive ash wrapping performance smoke component |
基金项目:陕西中烟工业有限责任公司科技项目“卷烟纸理化性质剖析及数据库构建”(BA000-ZB22003);中国烟草总公司重大科技项目“烟用材料大数据分析与应用服务关键技术研究与应用”(110202101079(SJ-03))。 |
摘要点击次数: 1033 |
全文下载次数: 748 |
摘要:本研究通过设计不同钾钠离子含量的卷烟纸,制备得到常规卷烟和细支卷烟,分析不同钾钠离子添加剂(柠檬酸钾、柠檬酸钠)对常规卷烟和细支卷烟的包灰性能、烟气常规指标及感官质量的影响规律。结果表明,当卷烟纸中钾钠离子添加剂的钾钠离子总量相同时,随着K+比例增加,卷烟的包灰性能降低,烟碱、焦油和CO释放量也呈降低趋势,K+比例≥75%(相对于钾钠离子总量12 mg/g)后卷烟包灰效果明显变差,而细支卷烟的包灰效果优于常规卷烟。当卷烟纸中钾钠比相同、钾钠离子总量不同时,随着钾钠离子总量的增加,卷烟的包灰性能变化不明显,其烟碱、焦油和CO释放量有所降低。与现有卷烟产品相比,K+比例增加有利于改善细支卷烟的香气并降低刺激性,但却会使常规卷烟烟气显干燥、刺激;钾钠离子总量的增加有利于体现常规卷烟的香气且柔和度较好,但却会使细支卷烟的刺激性增加。 |
Abstract:Cigarette paper with different potassium and sodium ion contents was designed to prepare regular and slim cigarette samples, the aim was to analyze the impact of different potassium and sodium ion additives (potassium citrate and sodium citrate) on cigarette ash wrapping performance, conventional smoke indicators, and sensory quality of regular and slim cigarettes. The results showed that when the total amount of potassium and sodium ions of additives was constant, as the proportion of K+ increased, the ash wrapping performance of cigarettes decreased, and the releases of nicotine, tar, and CO showed a decrease trend, the ash wrapping performance significantly deteriorated when proportion of K+ was ≥75% (relative to the total amount of potassium and sodium ions 12 mg/g), and the slim cigarettes was better than regular one. When the potassium-to-sodium ratio was constant, as the total amount of potassium and sodium ions added to cigarette paper increased, the difference of ash wrapping characteristics was not significant, and the releases of nicotine, tar, and CO decreased. Compared with existing cigarette products, increasing the proportion of K+ was beneficial for improving the aroma and smooth of slim cigarettes, but it would exhibit spicy and pungency of regular cigarettes. The increase in total amount of potassium and sodium ions was beneficial for the aroma and smooth of regular cigarettes, but it would increase pungency of slim cigarettes. |
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