Study on the Preparation of Sugarcane Cellulose Aerogel Based on Top-down Method and Oil-water Separation Properties
关键词:  甘蔗纤维素  气凝胶  自上而下氧化  疏水改性  油水分离
Key Words:sugarcane cellulose  aerogel  top-down oxidation  hydrophobic modification  oil-water separation
常俊霞 浙江理工大学纺织科学与工程学院教育部先进纺织材料与制造技术重点实验室浙江杭州310018 310018
陈昕仪 浙江理工大学纺织科学与工程学院教育部先进纺织材料与制造技术重点实验室浙江杭州310018 310018
周伟 浙江宇博新材料有限公司浙江台州318000 318000
任梦遇 浙江理工大学纺织科学与工程学院教育部先进纺织材料与制造技术重点实验室浙江杭州310018 310018
杨淑娟 浙江理工大学纺织科学与工程学院教育部先进纺织材料与制造技术重点实验室浙江杭州310018 310018
杨飞 浙江宇博新材料有限公司浙江台州318000 318000
张勇* 浙江理工大学纺织科学与工程学院教育部先进纺织材料与制造技术重点实验室浙江杭州310018
摘要点击次数: 1028
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摘要:本研究以甘蔗为原料,通过“自上而下”的方法制备了具有各向异性的甘蔗纤维素气凝胶。首先利用NaOH和H2O2原位脱除了甘蔗细胞壁中的木质素和半纤维素,随后使用TEMPO氧化法使原本聚集的纤维素部分分离,冷冻干燥后得到甘蔗纤维素气凝胶。通过万能材料试验机、比表面积及孔径分析仪和热重分析仪对甘蔗纤维素气凝胶进行表征。结果表明,甘蔗纤维素气凝胶最大应力可达0.28 MPa,比表面积高达22.4 m2/g,且表现出优异的热稳定性。采用甲基三甲氧基硅烷(MTMS)对甘蔗纤维素气凝胶进行疏水改性后,得到了超疏水性纤维素气凝胶,其水接触角高达147.17°,对玉米油的最大吸附量达15.86 g/g。
Abstract:In this study, sugarcane cellulose aerogel with anisotropy was prepared by top-down method using sugarcane as raw material. The lignin and hemicellulose in sugarcane cell wall were removed in-situ using NaOH and H2O2, and then TEMPO oxidation method was used to separate the originally gathered cellulose, and sugarcane cellulose aerogel was obtained after freeze-drying. The samples were characterized by universal material testing machine, specific surface area and aperture analyzer, and thermogravimetric analyzer. The results showed that the maximum stress sugarcane cellulose aerogel was up to 0.28 MPa and it’s specific surface area was up to 22.4 m2/g which showed excellent thermal stability. After hydrophobic modification with methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS), the sugarcane cellulose aerogel was transformed into a superhydrophobic cellulose aerogel with water contact angle up to 147.17° and the maximum oil adsorption up to 15.86 g/g.
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