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逐步回归法优化填料改性与助剂提高烟草薄片浆料留着率的研究 |
Optimization of Filler Modification and Retention Aids to Improve Pulp Retention Rate in Reconstituted Tobacco Sheet by Stepwise Regression Method |
收稿日期:2023-11-21 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2024.05.019 |
关键词: 烟草薄片 因子贡献率 微观结构 留着率 分布均匀性 抗张强度 |
Key Words:reconstituted tobacco sheet factor contribution rate microstructure retention rate distribution uniformity tensile strength |
基金项目:重庆中烟公司项目:烟用纳米芳香多孔材料的研制(项目编号HX20220202)。 |
摘要点击次数: 1149 |
全文下载次数: 924 |
摘要:采用了均匀实验设计方法和多元二次回归方程,研究了不同填料改性剂(烟叶碎片浆或针叶木浆、阳离子淀粉、硬脂酸钠、六偏磷酸钠)以及三元助留剂(壳聚糖、阳离子瓜尔胶、膨润土)对浆料留着率和碳酸钙分布均匀性的影响。结果表明,各因子贡献率中,壳聚糖、瓜尔胶、膨润土和针叶木浆更有利于提高浆料留着率。在烟叶碎片浆和针叶木浆的双因素交互作用图中,存在5种不同的变化趋势。大生产(不改性)烟草薄片的浆料留着率为68.8%,抗张强度为0.378 kN/m。通过回归方程优化参数并经实验验证,采用烟叶碎片浆和针叶木浆改性,再结合多元助剂,所得烟草薄片的浆料留着率分别达92.9%和94.9%,抗张强度分别提高了30.2%和28.8%。碳酸钙包裹烟叶碎片浆或针叶木浆形成的复合体,均能相对均匀分散在烟草薄片中。 |
Abstract:A uniform experimental design method and quadratic multiple regression equation were used to investigate the effects of the combination of filler modifiers (tobacco fragment pulp or softwood pulp, cationic starch, sodium stearate, sodium hexametaphosphate) and multiple retention aids (chitosan, cationic guar gum, bentonite) on the pulp retention rate, and the distribution uniformity of calcium carbonate in the reconstituted tobacco sheet. The results showed that chitosan, guar gum, bentonite, and softwood pulp were more beneficial to improve the pulp retention rate among the factor contributions. In the two-factor interaction diagram of tobacco fragment pulp and softwood pulp, there were five different trends. The mass-produced (unmodified) reconstituted tobacco sheet had the pulp retention rate of 68.8% and the tensile strength of 0.378 kN/m. Optimising the parameters through regression equations and verified experimentally, the pulp retention rate of the reconstituted tobacco sheets achieved 92.9% and 94.9%, and the tensile strength increased by 30.2% and 28.8% respectively, when multiple retention aids were combined with tobacco fragment pulp and softwood pulp modification. The composites, formed by calcium carbonate wrapping tobacco fragment pulp and softwood pulp, were evenly all relatively uniformly dispersed in the reconstituted tobacco sheets. |
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