Research on Determination of Guar Gum Content in Reconstituted Tobacco Sheets by Ion Chromatography
关键词:  离子色谱  烟草薄片  瓜尔胶
Key Words:ion chromatography  reconstituted tobacco sheet  guar gum
邓其馨 福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心福建厦门361021 361021
张廷贵 福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心福建厦门361021 361021
邓宏博 福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心福建厦门361021 361021
张建平 福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心福建厦门361021 361021
刘秀彩 福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心福建厦门361021 361021
鹿洪亮 福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心福建厦门361021 361021
黄华发 福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心福建厦门361021 361021
张颖璞* 福建中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心福建厦门361021 361021
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摘要:本研究建立了离子色谱法测定烟草薄片中瓜尔胶含量的方法,具体步骤如下:采用水浸泡烟草薄片并振荡的方式,萃取其中的瓜尔胶;将萃取液蒸干后,采用酸解法将瓜尔胶分解为半乳糖、甘露糖;然后采用离子色谱法测定半乳糖、甘露糖含量,通过公式换算得到样品中的瓜尔胶含量。结果表明,半乳糖和甘露糖在浓度0.1~10 mg/L范围内,具有非常好的线性关系,相关系数R2均≥0.999 6,检出限分别为0.003 6和0.002 2 mg/L,瓜尔胶回收率均≥95.8%,相对标准偏差为1.58%。因此,该方法重复性好,准确度高,适用于烟草薄片中瓜尔胶含量的测定。
Abstract:In this study, a method for the determination of guar gum content in reconstituted tobacco sheets by ion chromatography was established as follows: the guar gum in reconstituted tobacco sheets was extracted by aqueous soak and oscillation, the extract was evaporated to dryness, and then the guar gum was decomposed into galactose and mannose by the method of acid hydrolysis, and then the contents of galactose and mannose were determined by ion chromatography, and the guar gum content in the samples was obtained by the formulae for conversion. The results showed that the galactose and mannose had very good linear relationship in the concentration range of 0.1~10 mg/L with the correlation coefficients R2≥0.999 6, and the detection limits were 0.003 6 and 0.002 2 mg/L, respectively, and the recovery rates of guar gum were ≥95.8% with the RSD of 1.58 %. Therefore, the method had good repeatability, high accuracy and was suitable for the determination of guar gum content in reconstituted tobacco sheets.
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