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化学机械浆漂白生产过程氢氧化钠用量的优化 |
Sodium Hydroxide Dosage Optimization for Chemi-mechanical Pulp Bleaching Process |
收稿日期:2023-10-28 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2024.04.022 |
关键词: 化学机械浆 漂白 纸浆质量 氢氧化钠用量优化 |
Key Words:chemi-mechanical pulp bleaching pulp qualities dosage optimization of sodium hydroxide |
基金项目:山东省重点研发计划资助(2022SFGC0101);泰山产业领军人才工程资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 1282 |
全文下载次数: 10 |
摘要:对杨木化学机械浆(化机浆)漂白段氢氧化钠的最佳用量进行了优化。当H2O2和氢氧化钠的质量比为1∶1时,获得纸浆的白度最高。如以提高化机浆的强度指标为目的,应适当增加氢氧化钠的用量;若以提高松厚度和不透明度为目的,则应减少氢氧化钠的用量。为了防止化机浆在储浆塔放置一段时间后返黄,至少保证漂后化机浆中的残余H2O2为漂白段H2O2总用量的10%以上。根据实验结果对化机浆生产线的漂白工艺进行了调整优化,化机浆质量达到了预期的效果。 |
Abstract:The optimum dosage of sodium hydroxide in bleaching section of poplar chemi-mechanical pulp was studied. When the mass ratio of hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide was 1∶1, the whiteness of pulp was the highest. To improve the strength index of chemi-mechanical pulp, the dosage of sodium hydroxide should be appropriately increased. To improve the bulk and opacity, the dosage of sodium hydroxide should be reduced, in order to prevent the chemi-mechanical pulp from yellowing after a period of time in the pulp storage tower, the residual hydrogen peroxide in the chemi-mechanical pulp should be more than 10% total usage of the hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching section. According to the test results, the bleaching process of chemi-mechanical pulp production line was adjusted and optimized, and the pulp quality reached the expected effect. |
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