Operations Analysis and Process Discussion on the Treatment of Wastewater from Papermaking Reconstituted Tobacco
关键词:  烟草薄片  废水  运行分析  去除率
Key Words:regenerated tobacco  wastewater  operation analysis  removal rate
王艳青 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
吕新亮 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
田晓辉 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
祖萌萌 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
任文涛 郑州西亚斯学院河南新郑451100 451100
叶丽景 河南卷烟工业烟草薄片有限公司河南许昌461100 461100
摘要点击次数: 1434
全文下载次数: 885
摘要:某烟草薄片生产企业采用“物理除渣+A2O生物处理+化学法深度处理”工艺进行废水处理,本研究统计该厂较有代表性的5个月运行数据,针对各月各工序处理能力、各污染物指标去除效率及含氮物质的转化进行了运行分析。运行数据表明,该厂厌氧进水pH值=7.5~7.8、悬浮物(SS)浓度平均值1 058 mg/L,两者存在偏高现象,同时存在厌氧污泥流失严重,A2O工艺中总氮平均去除效率47.7%,需进一步改进优化。针对存在问题,结合造纸法烟草薄片废水水质特点和企业工艺运行参数探讨了问题产生的原因,提出了改进工艺措施的意见和建议,为行业废水处理工艺建设和改进提供参考意义。
Abstract:The process of “physical slag removal + A2O biological treatment + chemical advanced treatment” was adopted to treat wastewater in the tobacco leaf regenerated plant, the operation analysis was carried out for the treatment capacity of each process, the removal efficiency of each pollutant index and the transformation of nitrogen-containing substances. The operation data showed that the pH value of the anaerobic influent was 7.5~7.8, and the average concentration of suspended solids (SS) was 1 058 mg/L, both of which were on the high side, and the anaerobic sludge loss was serious, the average removal rate of total nitrogen in A2O process was 47.7% , which needed further improvement and optimization. In view of the existing problems, this paper probed into the causes of the problems in the light of the characteristics of the water quality and the operation parameters of the enterprise process for tobacco leaf regenerated by paper-making, and putted forward some comments and suggestions for improving the process. It provided reference for the construction and improvement of wastewater treatment process.
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