Paper Types and Flute Profiles Selection of Corrugated Box Based on the DEA-EWM-TOPSIS Model
关键词:  多准则决策  瓦楞纸箱  方案选择  评价模型
Key Words:multi-criteria decision-making  corrugated box  schemes selection  evaluation model
陈南宁 光明乳业股份有限公司乳业研究院上海乳业生物工程技术研究中心乳业生物技术国家重点实验室上海200040 200040
刘争号 湖南工业大学湖南株洲412000 412000
肖颖喆 湖南工业大学湖南株洲412000 412000
谢勇* 湖南工业大学湖南株洲412000 412000
摘要点击次数: 1489
全文下载次数: 873
摘要:对瓦楞纸箱的面纸、芯纸、里纸和楞型进行组合评价,提供科学的纸箱选配依据,解决不合理选配纸箱问题。本课题提出了一个多准则决策模型,采用交叉效率DEA-EWM-TOPSIS组合模型,对瓦楞纸箱进行配纸及楞型方案选择,并开发了相应的纸箱选择软件,帮助决策者选出性能和成本达到最优平衡的纸箱。以内装物质量为2 kg、综合尺寸为460 mm的0201型快递纸箱为例,依据瓦楞纸箱的评价指标数据,通过模型计算进行排序,选出最佳的纸箱方案。本课题将多变量因素耦合后,再进行整体优化,为瓦楞纸箱的选择决策提供了一种有效、便捷的方法。
Abstract:This paper aims to evaluate the combination schemes of the liner, the medium, inner liner and flute type of corrugated boxes, and provide scientifically corrugated boxes’ selection for solving the problem of unreasonable selection caused by experience or peer reference. This study attempted to propose a solution that combinates the cross-efficiency data envelopment analysis (DEA), the entropy weight method (EWM) and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), to select the paper types and flute profiles for a corrugated box. Furthermore, a software, called carton selection, had been developed for supporting its selection. It helped decision makers select cartons with the best balance between performance and cost. This study took the corrugated box with 2 kg internal weight and 460 mm overall size as an example, and obtained the data of evaluation indexes of corrugated boxes through the national standard and formulas. Then, ranking the model calculation resulted to select the best recommended scheme. This paper coupled the multivariable factors and then optimized as a whole, which provided an effective and convenient method for the selection decision of corrugated box.
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