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加热卷烟芯基材料热性能及气溶胶释放特性分析研究进展 |
Research Progress on Thermogravimetry and Pyrolysis Behavior and Aerosol Release Characteristics of Heated-not-burn Cigarette Tobacco Material |
收稿日期:2023-08-24 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2024.02.011 |
关键词: 加热卷烟 芯基材料 气溶胶 释放特性 |
Key Words:heated-not-burn cigarette heated-not-burn cigarette material aerosol release characteristics |
基金项目:中国烟草总公司重大科技项目“基于提高加热卷烟气溶胶释放稳定性的烟支与烟具系统性设计研究”(110202101067(XX-12))和 “基于三种加热方式的加热卷烟烟气主要成分释放规律研究及应用”(110202101073(XX-18));国家烟草质量监督检验中心科技创新项目“加热不燃烧卷烟烟气中含羰基香味成分的分析研究”(512018CA0050)。 |
摘要点击次数: 1468 |
全文下载次数: 927 |
摘要:芯基材料是加热卷烟烟碱及香味成分的来源,加热卷烟烟草薄片是目前最常用的加热卷烟芯基材料,烟草薄片生产工艺主要有造纸法、干法造纸法、稠浆法和辊压法等,与传统卷烟烟草薄片相比,加热卷烟烟草薄片在理化特性和感官质量方面均存在较大差异。加热卷烟以低温加热方式供吸烟者抽吸,其气溶胶的释放特性也与传统卷烟有显著差异。本文结合近几年加热卷烟芯基材料研究工作,从制造工艺、热性能和气溶胶释放特性分析3个方面对加热卷烟芯基材料进行综述,为加热卷烟产品的设计开发和品质提升提供参考。 |
Abstract:Heated-not-burn cigarette tobacco material is the source of nicotine and flavor components. Heat-not-burn reconstituted tobacco is the most commonly used for heated-not-burn cigarette at present, and its production processes mainly include papermaking, dry papermaking, thick pulp, and roll pressing, etc. However, compared with traditional cigarette reprocessed tobacco, there are great differences in physical and chemical properties and sensory quality. The aerosol release characteristics of heated cigarettes, which are smoked by consumers at low temperature, are also significantly different from those of traditional cigarettes. In this paper, the manufacturing process, thermal properties, and aerosol release characteristics of heated-not-burn cigarette material were studied to provide reference for the design, development and quality improvement of heated-not-burn cigarette products. |
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