Feasibility Study of Lithium Slag as Filler in Papermaking
关键词:  锂渣  造纸填料  抗张指数  撕裂指数
Key Words:lithium slag  papermaking filler  tensile index  tearing index
何卓凡 陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心 陕西省造纸技术与特种纸重点实验室陕西西安710021 710021
宋顺喜* 陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心 陕西省造纸技术与特种纸重点实验室陕西西安710021
杜盛静 陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心 陕西省造纸技术与特种纸重点实验室陕西西安710021 710021
屈新皓 陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心 陕西省造纸技术与特种纸重点实验室陕西西安710021 710021
李瑶 陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心 陕西省造纸技术与特种纸重点实验室陕西西安710021 710021
殷志刚 天齐鑫隆科技(成都)有限公司四川成都610213
朱宏伟 岳阳林纸股份有限公司湖南岳阳414000 414000
张美云 陕西科技大学轻工科学与工程学院轻化工程国家级实验教学示范中心 陕西省造纸技术与特种纸重点实验室陕西西安710021 710021
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Abstract:The physical and chemical properties of two types of lithium slag were investigated, and the effect of lithium slag content on paper properties was explored. The results showed that the micro-morphology of lithium slag was irregular gravel-like, with a large internal surface area of the porous structure. The particle size of lithium slag was large and widely distributed. The brightness of 1# lithium slag and 2# lithium slag was 66.4% and 76.5%, respectively. The brightness of the paper was reduced after filling the lithium slag. The strength performance of the paper filled with lithium slag was better than the paper filled with PCC. At 18 wt% filler content, the tensile index of the paper filled with 1# lithium slag was 38% higher than that of the paper filled with PCC. At 12 wt% filler content, the tear index of the paper filled with 2# lithium slag was 41% higher than that of the paper filled with PCC. In addition, the water resistance of the paper filled with 2# lithium slag was comparable to that of the paper filled with PCC, which could meet the requirements of water resistance of paper. Therefore, lithium slag could be used in packaging paper with lower whiteness requirements.
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