Research Progress of Functionalized Bacterial Cellulose and Its Application in Wound Dressing
关键词:  细菌纤维素  伤口敷料  功能化改性
Key Words:bacterial cellulose  wound dressing  functional modification
基金项目:山东省自然科学基金面上项目(No. ZR2023MC130)。
莫镁清 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室 山东济南250353 250353
吴朝军* 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室 山东济南250353 250353
陈业红 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室 山东济南250353 250353
摘要点击次数: 2000
全文下载次数: 1260
Abstract:Bacterial cellulose is usually used to prepare antibacterial, self-healing, injectable, and proliferative wound dressings due to its biodegradability, high crystallinity, and the adjustable nature of biosynthesis. However, bacterial cellulose needs to further be multi-functionalized in order to improve its antibacterial, self-healing, hemostatic, and myogenic abilities. The structure, biosynthetic principles, and preparation methods of bacterial cellulose were summarized in this paper. A comparative analysis was conducted on the functionalization modification technologies and principles of bacterial cellulose, including chemical, physical, and biological modifications. The application of functionalized bacterial cellulose was dissected in wound dressings, and the development of its application in wound dressing was also prospected.
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