Study on the Properties of Cellulose Transparent Films Reinforced with Regenerated Lignin Particles
关键词:  黑液  再生木质素粒子  乙酸钙  木质素-纤维素膜
Key Words:black liquor  regenerated lignin particles  calcium acetate  lignin-cellulose film
基金项目:高校产学合作项目(2021H 6024);国家留学基金委项目(No. 202208350063);四川省科技厅项目(2021YFH0105,2023JDGD0032)。
傅成龙 福建农林大学材料工程学院福建福州350108
新布伦瑞克大学Limerick 制浆造纸中心新布伦瑞克弗雷德里克顿E3B5A3加拿大 
林亚玲 福建农林大学材料工程学院福建福州350108 350108
刘一山 新布伦瑞克大学Limerick 制浆造纸中心新布伦瑞克弗雷德里克顿E3B5A3加拿大
四川工商职业技术学院 四川都江堰611830 
黄六莲* 福建农林大学材料工程学院福建福州350108 350108
摘要点击次数: 1740
全文下载次数: 941
摘要:本研究以硫酸盐制浆黑液为原料,通过钙离子螯合的方式提取粗制木质素,利用乙醇-水反溶剂法溶解再生以获得高纯度的木质素粒子。呈现细小均匀的颗粒形态并稳定悬浮在水中的再生木质素粒子能够与纤维素形成强氢键结合,并形成致密均匀的复合透明薄膜。木质素-纤维素复合膜(木质素添加量10%)的抗拉强度达105.77 MPa,相比于纯纤维素膜提高了27.6%;伸长率增幅67.6%。在光学方面,木质素-纤维素膜(木质素添加量5%)的可见光透过率可达87.9%。
Abstract:Crude lignin was extracted from sulfate pulping black liquor by chelation with calcium ions. Subsequently, the crude lignin underwent dissolution and regeneration by employing an ethanol-water anti-solvent method, resulting in the production of pure lignin particles. The resulting regenerated lignin particles demonstrated a fine and uniform granular morphology while remaining stably suspended in water. Lignin particles could form robust hydrogen bonds with cellulose, leading to the formation of dense and uniform composite transparent films. The tensile strength of the lignin-cellulose film (the dosage of lignin was 10%) reached 105.77 MPa, an increase of 27.6% compared with the pure cellulose film, the elongation increased by 67.6%. In terms of optics, the visible light transmittance of the lignin-cellulose film (the dosage of lignin was 5%) reached 87.9%.
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