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标准助力造纸行业可持续发展——《再生纸浆》国家标准解读 |
Standards Promote Sustainable Development of Papermaking Industry: Interpretation of the National Standard of “Recycled Pulp” |
收稿日期:2023-12-23 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2024.01.001 |
关键词: 制浆造纸行业 再生纸浆 回用纤维浆 标准解读 |
Key Words:pulp and papermaking industry recycled pulp recycled fiber pulp standard interpretation |
基金项目:北京市自然科学基金(项目编号:2234090);广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室开放基金(项目编号:2023GXZZKF72)。 |
摘要点击次数: 3148 |
全文下载次数: 1249 |
摘要:GB/T 43393—2023《再生纸浆》是在符合相关法律法规、满足环保要求条件下为助力我国造纸行业健康可持续发展而制定的产品(技术)标准。本文介绍了GB/T 43393—2023《再生纸浆》的主要内容,包括再生纸浆的界定、适用范围、分类、技术要求和试验方法要点等;对标准中规定的检验项目包括放射性污染、危险废物、感官性状、重金属、浆板耐破指数、Cobb值(Cobb60)、未碎解的纤维组分含量、夹杂物含量、粗渣率及手抄片机械强度等技术指标进行了解读;并分析了其与GB/T 24320—2021《回用纤维浆》的主要差异。 |
Abstract:GB/T 43393—2023 national standard “Recycled pulp” was a product technical standard to meet the high quality and sustainable development of papermaking industry in China. This paper introduced the main contents of the national standard “Recycled pulp”, including the definition, scope of application, classification, technical requirements and main points of test methods. The test items included radioactive contamination, hazardous waste, sensory properties, heavy metals, bursting index of pulp board, Cobb60, unbroken fibre content, carried-waste content, coarse reject rate, and mechanical strength of the handsheets were interpreted. Furthermore, the main differences between “Recycled pulp” and GB/T 24320—2021 “Recycled fiber pulp” were analyzed. |
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