Optimization of Extreme Learning Machine and Application in Decoupling of the Cross-direction Basis Weight System for Papermaking
关键词:  纸张定量  静态解耦  极限学习机  优化
Key Words:paper basis weight  static decoupling  extreme learning machine  optimization
沈云柱 陕西科技大学电气与控制工程学院陕西西安710021 710021
汤伟* 陕西科技大学电气与控制工程学院陕西西安710021 710021
摘要点击次数: 1280
全文下载次数: 914
Abstract:In this paper, the extreme learning machine (ELM) was improved based on strange nonchaotic optimization (SNO) and used to solve the coupling problem of cross-direction (CD) basis weight system. Firstly, the SNO based on a piecewise logistic map was used to optimize the randomly generated weights and thresholds between the input layer and the hidden layer, which solved the disadvantage of insufficient optimization for ELM. Then, SNO extreme leaming machine (SNOELM) decouplers were designed to decouple the multivariable system. Finally, it was compared with the improved extreme learning machine, whale optimization extreme learning machine (WOELM) and particle swarm optimization extreme leaming machine (PSOELM). Simulation results demonstrated that the SNOELM decoupling method had better optimization ability than ELM and had higher decoupling accuracy and faster decoupling speed than WOELM and PSOELM.
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