Study on the Core Material and Cigarette’s Physical Properties of Heated Cigarette by Ambient Related Humidity
关键词:  环境相对湿度  喷涂法  稠浆法  加热卷烟  烟草薄片
Key Words:ambient related humidity  spraying process  slurry process  heated cigarette  reconstituted tobacco
王鹏飞 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226014 226014
周成喜 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226014 226014
罗亮 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226014 226014
朱鲜艳 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226014 226014
张晓艳 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226014 226014
朱远洋 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226014 226014
徐瑞霜 南通烟滤嘴有限责任公司江苏南通226014 226014
李朝建* 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司技术 中心江苏南京210019 210019
摘要点击次数: 1382
全文下载次数: 1063
摘要:本研究以喷涂法和稠浆法烟草薄片以及2种烟草薄片芯材制备的烟支为研究对象,围绕烟草薄片抗张强度及耐破度、烟支吸阻及烟气温度开展研究。结果表明,随着环境相对湿度从40%增加至80%,烟草薄片的含水率呈上升趋势,抗张强度和耐破度呈下降趋势。受烟草薄片中纤维和烟粉分布状况的影响,环境相对湿度对2种烟草薄片在抗张强度及耐破度方面的影响存在显著差异。烟支吸阻及烟气温度和环境相对湿度存在正相关性,其中稠浆法烟支的吸阻最高达1766 Pa,烟支的抽吸温度最高达72.3 ℃。当环境相对湿度从40%增加到50%时,烟草薄片含水率及烟支的吸阻变化幅度较小。为了保证芯材质量稳定性及烟支抽吸体验,2种烟草薄片及相应烟支的生产、储存温度为(23±1) ℃时,环境相对湿度应低于50%。
Abstract:Reconstituted tobacco produced by spraying process and slurry process, and cigarette produced by the reconstituted tobacco were taken as the research objects in this study. The research was carried out on tensile strength and bursting degree of reconstituted tobacco, cigarette resistance and smoke temperature. The results showed that with the increase of ambient related humidity from 40% to 80%, the moisture content of reconstituted tobacco increased, the tensile strength decreased and the bursting degree decreased.Influenced by the distribution of fiber and smoke powder in reconstituted tobacco, the effects of ambient related humidity on the tensile strength and break resistance of the two reconstituted tobacco were significantly different. There was a positive correlation between cigarette resistance, smoke temperature and ambient related humidity, the maximum suction resistance of cigarette produced by slurry process could reach 1766 Pa, and the maximum suction temperature of cigarette could reach 72.3 ℃. When the ambient related humidity increased from 40% to 50%, the moisture content of reconstituted tobacco and the cigarette resistance changed slightly. In order to ensure the quality stability of core material and the smoking experience, the production and storage related humidity of the two kinds of reconstituted tobacco and cigarette should be lower than 50% at (23 ±1) ℃.
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