Effect of the Absorbency of Cigarette Tip Adhesive on Adhesion Properties
关键词:  接装胶  接装纸  粘合强度  初粘性  动态接触角  动态渗透性
Key Words:cigarette tip adhesive  tipping paper  adhesion strength  initial adhesion  dynamic contact angle  dynamic permeability
吕萱 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司河北张家口075000 075000
李自娟 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司河北张家口075000 075000
苏巧 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司河北张家口075000 075000
王云霞 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司河北张家口075000 075000
李洁* 张家口卷烟厂有限责任公司河北张家口075000 075000
张琪 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院天津300457 300457
赫婉莹 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院天津300457 300457
王高升 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院天津300457 300457
张正健 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院天津300457 300457
王玉峰 天津科技大学轻工科学与工程学院天津300457 300457
摘要点击次数: 1460
全文下载次数: 1050
Abstract:The absorption, permeation property, initial adhesion and adhesion strength of the cigarette tip adhesives on the surface of the tipping paper were studied using dynamic contact angle method, dynamic permeability method, inclined rolling ball method and 90° peeling strength test method based on the comparative analysis of the performance of the cigarette tip adhesives. The results showed that the dynamic contact angle and dynamic permeability of the adhesives on the non-printed surface of the tipping paper varied greatly compared to water, while the absorption rate of the high viscosity adhesive on the porous non-printed surface of the tipping paper was low, and the dynamic permeability characteristic parameters tmax and t95 of high solid content adhesive were relatively small. The opening time of the adhesive application had an impact on the initial adhesion and final adhesion strength. As the opening time of the adhesive application increased, the initial adhesion showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing due to the absorption of the adhesive on the surface of the tipping paper. This meant that there was an opening time window for the maximum initial adhesion. Sealing below this time point would not affect the adhesive strength, but sealing above this time point might lead to poor adhesion.
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