Study on Malodorous Gas Production Factors in Waste Fiber Reuse Process
关键词:  废纸纤维  网下白水  厌氧微生物  恶臭气体
Key Words:waste paper fiber  wet-end white water  anaerobe  malodorous gas
刘畅* 浙江理工大学纺织科学与工程学院浙江杭州310018 310018
张一帆 浙江理工大学纺织科学与工程学院浙江杭州310018 310018
黄善聪 浙江理工大学纺织科学与工程学院浙江杭州310018 310018
张小红 浙江景兴纸业股份 有限公司浙江嘉兴314214 314214
窦圣 上海津化实业有限公司上海202150 202150
夏新兴 浙江理工大学纺织科学与工程学院浙江杭州310018 310018
摘要点击次数: 1480
全文下载次数: 902
Abstract:In this study, the concentration of malodorous gases was detected by pumping gas detector, the effects of wet-end white water dosage, starch concentration, and Na2SO4 concentration on the release of malodorous gases in the reuse process of waste paper fiber were investigated. The results showed that the release of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), H2S and NH3 was almost 0, respectively, when the dosage of wet-end white water was 0. Meanwhile the dosage of wet-end white water was increased, it would result in a significant increase in the release of malodorous gases in the pulp, which proofed that the proliferation of microorganisms was one of the main factors affecting the release of malodorous gases. With the increase of starch concentration, the release of H2S and NH3 increased obviously, but the release of TVOC was basically the same as that without starch. The production of TVOC, H2S and NH3 in the plup was promoted by Na2SO4, and the release of malodorous gases increased significantly, with the increase of Na2SO4 concentration in the plup.
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