Research on the Depolymerization Control and Mechanism of Cellulose in the Regeneration Process of Waste Cotton Fiber
关键词:  废旧棉  分离回收  蒸煮  降/解聚机理
Key Words:waste cotton  separation and recycling  cooking  reduction/depolymerization mechanism
基金项目:国家重点研发计划 (2020YFC1910301)。
陈鲁正* 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室 山东济南250353 250353
纵培培 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室 山东济南250353 250353
崔风云 山东圣泉新材料股份有限公司山东济南250200 250200
孟贞贞 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室 山东济南250353 250353
刘克印 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室 山东济南250353 250353
姜亦飞 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室 山东济南250353 250353
韩文佳 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)生物基材料与绿色造纸国家重点实验室 山东济南250353 250353
摘要点击次数: 1421
全文下载次数: 1136
Abstract:In this study, given the problems in the depolymerization process of waste cotton, such as the uncontrollable polymerization degree, high impurity content, difficult separation, severe process pollution, low-value-added products and so on, a new system of cooking and bleaching was developed and a new way of clean spinning of waste cotton recycled pulp was explored. The interaction principles and regulatory mechanisms among the degradation/depolymerization products were comprehensively investigated, the reaction mechanism, transformation behavior and migration of reaction products of the main components in the depolymerization process were systematically explored. The results showed that increasing the cooking temperature, increasing the alkali concentration, extending the cooking time, and increasing the dosage of hydrogen peroxide could intensify the ring exfoliation of fibers and cellulose degradation, resulting in a decrease in the polymerization of the pulp. The cooking pretreatment could significantly inprove the crystallinity of waste cotton, reduce the bound water and non-cellulose impurities contained in the cotton pulp, and the removal of non-cellulose impurities from the cotton pulp could be realized.
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