Preextraction of Reducing Sugar from Corn Stalk and Its Effect on Pulping
关键词:  玉米秸秆  还原糖  酸碱预处理  制浆性能
Key Words:corn straw  reducing sugar  acid and alkali-base pretreatment  pulping performance
纪丁愈* 四川水利职业技术学院四川崇州611231 611231
金秋野 四川工商职业技术学院四川都江堰611830 611830
陈思瑶 四川水利职业技术学院四川崇州611231 611231
段琼 四川工商职业技术学院四川都江堰611830 611830
李思衡 四川水利职业技术学院四川崇州611231 611231
摘要点击次数: 1497
全文下载次数: 907
摘要:本研究通过碱(NaOH)和酸(HCl)预处理以提取玉米秸秆中的还原糖,采用扫描电子显微镜观察玉米秸秆预处理前后的形态变化,探究了预处理前后玉米秸秆的制浆性能及纸张强度性能。结果表明,在150 ℃,NaOH和HCl用量分别为6%,预处理时间120 min条件下,玉米秸秆的酸、碱抽提的还原糖(Trs)得率分别为34.2%和14.5%。其中,酸预处理玉米秸秆在碱用量为12%蒸煮时,纸浆得率最高,为48.1%。此外,酸和碱预处理后纸张撕裂指数分别降低了18%和13%,抗张指数也呈现下降趋势,分别降低了28%和16%,耐破指数分别降低了60%和41%。因此,预处理过程中半纤维素的损失会导致纸张强度性能降低。
Abstract:In this paper, the reducing sugar was extracted from corn straw by alkali (NaOH) and acid (HCl) pretreatment. The morphological changes of corn straw before and after pretreatment were observed with scanning electron microscope, and the pulping performance and paper strength of corn straw before and after pretreatment were explored. The results showed that the yield of reducing sugar (Trs) extracted by acid and alkali were 34.2% and 14.5%, respectively, at 150 ℃, 6% of NaOH, 6% of HCl and acid and 120 min of pretreatment time. When the dosage of alkali was 12%, the pulp yield of acid pretreated corn straw was the highest (48.1%). In addition, after acid and alkali pretreatment, the tear index decreased by 18% and 13%, the tensile index also showed a downward trend, decreased by 28% and 16%, and the break resistance index decreased by 60% and 41%, respectively. Therefore, the loss of hemicellulose in the pretreatment process will lead to a reduction in the paper strength.
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