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竹浆ECF漂白废水急性毒性评价及电化学氧化脱毒研究 |
Acute Toxicity Evaluation of Wastewater from ECF Bleaching Bamboo Pulp and the Toxic Organic Chloride Degradation by Electrochemical Oxidization |
收稿日期:2023-05-09 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2023.10.012 |
关键词: 无元素氯漂白 可吸附有机氯化物 电化学 毒性评价 竹浆 |
Key Words:element chlorine free bleaching absorbable organic halogen electrochemical oxidation toxicity evaluation bamboo pulp |
基金项目:陕西省重点研发计划项目(项目编号:2020SF-406)。 |
摘要点击次数: 1576 |
全文下载次数: 1227 |
摘要:本研究分析了竹浆无元素氯(ECF)漂白废水的污染特性,对废水急性毒性进行了评价,并探讨了Ti/IrO2-RuO2涂层电极电化学氧化法对废水中毒性有机氯化物的降解效果。水质分析结果表明,竹浆ECF漂白废水的污染负荷主要来源于D0段,其中化学需氧量(COD)负荷及可吸附有机氯化物(AOX)的发生量分别占漂白废水总量的71.8%和73.4%;D0段和Eop段的EC50分别为27.7%和44.4%,废水急性毒性级别属中毒水平,有机氯化物是废水毒性的主要来源。采用Ti/IrO2-RuO2电化学处理漂白废水,在外加电压7.0 V和电解时间240 min的条件下,D0段、Eop段和D0+Eop混合段废水的CODCr去除率分别可达57.7%、37.5%和43.5%,色度去除率分别为90.2%、82.3%和83.1%;D0段、D0+Eop混合段废水及Eop段毒性级别也分别从中毒降到低毒和无毒,AOX去除率分别达66.3%、70.2%和100%,表明Ti/IrO2-RuO2电化学处理漂白废水可大大降低废水污染负荷,并能取得较好的脱毒效果。 |
Abstract:In this study, the pollutant characteristics from element chlorine free (ECF) bleaching bamboo pulp were analyzed, the acute toxicity of the wastewater was comprehensively evaluated, and the degradation of toxic organic chloride in wastewater was also discussed by Ti/IrO2-RuO2 coating electrode. Wastewater characteristic analysis showed that the pollutants were mainly generated in D0 stage of ECF bleaching process, contributing chemical oxygen demand (COD) and absorbable organic halogen (AOX) 71.8% and 73.4% respectively, and its acute toxicity (EC50 of 27.7%) was slightly more than Eop wastewater (EC50 of 44.4%), but both of which were in the moderate toxicity grade , organic chlorides played more tribute to wastewater’s toxicity. The results showed the pollution load of wastewater from ECF bleaching bamboo pulp was greatly decreased with Ti/IrO2-RuO2 coating electrode oxidization. With the conditions of voltage 7.0 V and the electrolysis time 240 min, the CODCr removal rate of wastewater from D0 stage, Eop stage and the mixed wastewater of D0 and Eop were 57.7%, 37.5% and 43.5%, the decolored rate were 90.2%, 82.3% and 83.1% respectively. And better toxic organic chloride (AOX) degradation efficiencies were 66.3% ,70.2% and 100% respectively, the toxicity grade reached low toxicity from moderate toxicity, and the Eop wastewater indicated non-toxic level. |
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