Synthesis and Characterization of Butynediol-ethoxylate Modified Polysiloxanes Defoamer
关键词:  有机硅  丁炔二醇醚  表面活性剂  消泡剂
Key Words:silicone  butynyldiol ether  surfactant  defoamer
徐媚* 江苏省造纸行业协会江苏南京210000 210000
摘要点击次数: 1542
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摘要:本研究利用丁炔二醇二乙氧基醚(BEO)对含氢聚硅氧烷(LPMHS)进行氢化硅烷化反应,制得具有消泡和抑泡性能的丁炔二醇醚改性有机硅(PSi-EO)表面活性剂,并将其与硅膏和硅树脂进行复配,在Span/Tween复合乳化剂的乳化作用下,经两相转化法制得PSi-EO消泡剂。该消泡剂制备的最佳工艺条件为:PSi-EO添加量4%,复合乳化剂为Span60/Tween60,乳化剂亲水亲油平衡值=10,乳化剂添加量6%。自制消泡剂乳液的消泡时间12 s,相较于市售聚醚改性有机硅消泡剂(消泡时间22 s),具有更强的消泡能力。PSi-EO在消泡剂制备中具有助乳化和降低表面张力的作用,添加PSi-EO的消泡剂乳液乳化程度提高、表面张力降低,且在造纸涂料的应用中具有更低的润湿缺陷。
Abstract:In this study, 1,4-bis(2-hydroxyethoxy)-2-butyne (BEO) was used to hydrosilylate hydrogenated polysiloxane (LPMHS) to produce butynyldiol ether modified silicone (PSi-EO) surfactant with defoaming and foam inhibition properties, and compounded with silicone paste and silicone resin, then the butynyldiol ether modified silicone defoamer was produced by two-phase conversion method under the emulsification of Span/Tween compound emulsifier. The optimal process conditions for the preparation of the defoamer were PSi-EO dosage of 4%, the compound emulsifier of Span60/Tween60, the hydrophilic lipophilic balance value of the emulsifier = 10, and the emulsifier dosage of 6%. Compared with the commercially available polyether-modified silicone defoamer (defoaming time of 22 s), the homemade defoamer emulsion had stronger defoaming ability and defoaming time of 12 s. In addition, PSi-EO had the functions of emulsification aid and surface tension reduction in defoamer preparation, the defoamer emulsion with PSi-EO addition could improve emulsification level, reduce surface tension, and diminish wetting defects in paper coating application.
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