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汽车发动机用纳米滤材的综合评价方法研究 |
Research on the Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Nanofiltration Material for Automotive Engine |
收稿日期:2023-07-11 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2023.10.009 |
关键词: 纳米滤材 质量因子 纤维形貌 结合度 质量评价 |
Key Words:nanofiltration material quality factor fiber morphology binding degree quality evaluation |
基金项目:2022年度河南省中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(Z20221343019):纳米纤维滤材空气滤清器的研究开发。 |
作者 | 单位 | 邮编 | 张惠* | 平原滤清器有限公司,河南新乡,453000 | 453000 | 高冬雪 | 平原滤清器有限公司,河南新乡,453000 | 453000 | 王鹏飞 | 平原滤清器有限公司,河南新乡,453000 | 453000 | 牛向飞 | 平原滤清器有限公司,河南新乡,453000 | 453000 | 张佳程 | 河南理工大学,河南焦作,454003 | 454003 | 邵伟力 | 中原工学院,河南郑州,450007 | 450007 |
摘要点击次数: 1609 |
全文下载次数: 1147 |
摘要:相比传统空滤滤材,纳米纤维空滤滤材在效率、使用寿命方面具有一定的优势。然而,在实际使用过程中存在无法快速有效鉴别纳米滤材优劣的问题,导致性能优异的纳米滤材难以快速获得用户的认可。本研究从纳米滤材的性能指标着手,对比纳米滤材的优劣,分别从纳米滤材的加工单位的严谨评价、滤芯生产单位对原材料及产品的科学分析、终端用户快速合理鉴别3个方面,对汽车发动机用纳米滤材的评判方法进行综合分析。 |
Abstract:Compared with traditional air filter material, nanofiber air filter material has certain advantages in terms of efficiency and service life. However, in actual use, there is the problem of not being able to quickly and effectively identify the advantages and disadvantages of nanofiltration material, resulting in the difficulty of excellent performance of nanofiltration material to quickly obtain the recognition of users. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of nanofiltration paper were compared through the performance indices of nanofiltration material, and the evaluation method of nanofiltration material for automotive engine was comprehensively analyzed in three aspects, such as the rigorous evaluation of the processing unit of nanofiltration material, the scientific analysis of raw materials and products by the cartridge production unit, and the rapid and reasonable identification by end users. |
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