Study on Aerobic Biodegradation and Drying Treatment of Papermaking Sludge
关键词:  造纸污泥  好氧  生物分解  干化  资源化
Key Words:papermaking sludge  aerobic  biodegradation  drying  resource
李宾宾 河南省科学院化学研究所有限公司河南郑州450002 450002
王俊* 河南省科学院化学研究所有限公司河南郑州450002 450002
田振邦 河南省科学院化学研究所有限公司河南郑州450002 450002
崔俊峰 河南省科学院化学研究所有限公司河南郑州450002 450002
黄做华 河南省科学院化学研究所有限公司河南郑州450002 450002
贾俊俊 河南省科学院化学研究所有限公司河南郑州450002 450002
赵亮 河南省科学院化学研究所有限公司河南郑州450002 450002
摘要点击次数: 1377
全文下载次数: 1057
摘要:随着造纸行业的发展及国家对“三废”的处理要求日趋严格,造纸污泥处置已成为制约造纸行业清洁生产和可持续发展的重要问题。本研究采用好氧生物分解干化工艺,对造纸污泥进行减量化、无害化处理试验。经连续运行,结果表明,菌床温度60~80 ℃、含水率24%~40%,处理后含水率20%~30%、粒径≤5 mm的污泥呈细小沙土颗粒状。连续运行6个周期,污泥减量率为76.4%,粪大肠杆菌阴性,未检出蛔虫卵。污泥好氧生物分解干化处理过程无需辅热、效果稳定、处理成本低(折合污泥处理费用166.83元/t),污泥减量效果好,处置产物易于资源化利用,满足造纸企业对造纸污泥的处置要求。
Abstract:With the development of the papermaking industry and national increasingly strict requirements for the treatment of the “three wastes”, the disposal of papermaking sludge has become an important issue restricting the clean production and sustainable development of the papermaking industry. In this study, aerobic biodegradation drying process was adopted to reduce and harmlessly treat papermaking sludge. After continuous operation, the results showed that when the bacterial bed temperature was 60~80 ℃ with water content of 24%~40%, the treated sludge with water content of 20%~30% and particle size ≤ 5 mm, was in the form of fine sand particles. After 6 cycles of continuous operation, the sludge reduction rate was 76.4%, fecal coli was negative, and Ascaris lumbricoides eggs were not detected. The sludge treatment of aerobic biodegradation and drying process did not need auxiliary heat, the effect was stable, the treatment cost was low (equivalent sludge treatment cost ¥166.83 /t), the sludge reduction effect was good, the disposal product was easy to resource utilization, which met the requirements of papermaking enterprises for papermaking sludge disposal.
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