Actuator Alignment Identification Method for Cross-directional Basis Weight Control of Paper
关键词:  纸张定量  横向控制  对位  冲击测试  映射
Key Words:paper basis weight  cross-directional control  alignment  bump test  mapping
单文娟* 西安航空学院陕西西安710077 710077
刘炳 华为技术有限公司陕西西安710075 710075
汤伟 陕西科技大学陕西西安710021 710021
王祎锋 西安航空学院陕西西安710077 710077
摘要点击次数: 1320
全文下载次数: 1061
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of alignment between the measuring data and the dilution water valve actuator in the process of cross directional basis weight of paper-making. CD process modeling and identification were carried out based on the impact test, the response center of the actuator was identified, the response width was calculated, and the mapping table between the actuator and the measuring point was established. Cluster analysis based on physical mapping data identified the contrapuntal model. Through random inspection test, the alignment relationship was verified and offset compensation correction was realized. This method could effectively solve the problem of actuator alignment in the process of cross directional basis weight of paper-making, which improved the adjustment accuracy of CD profile control and thus improves the paper quality. It can provide reference for engineering applications.
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