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废液回用对撑篙竹乙醇法制浆浆料特性与木质素结构的影响 |
Influence of Waste Liquor Reuse on the Pulp Properties and Lignin Structure of Bambusa Pervariabilis in Ethanol Pulping |
收稿日期:2022-10-28 |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2023.09.009 |
关键词: 撑篙竹 乙醇法制浆 废液回用 有机酸 木质素 |
Key Words:bambusa pervariabilis ethanol pulping waste liquor recycling organic acids lignin |
基金项目:兴辽英才计划特聘教授项目(XLYC1802025)。 |
摘要点击次数: 1192 |
全文下载次数: 1113 |
摘要:本课题研究了制浆废液回用比例对撑篙竹乙醇法制浆的浆料得率、卡伯值、制浆选择性、木质素和有机酸的产生量、木质素结构的影响规律。结果表明,回用废液会抑制新的有机酸产生,并加速木质素降解,废液回用比例为5%~15%时,浆料卡伯值较低,制浆选择性好;综合考虑废液回收负荷、新鲜乙醇用量和浆料质量等因素,较合适的废液回用比例在15%~20%。 |
Abstract:In this study, the effects of the reuse rate of pulping waste liquor on the pulp yield, Kappa number, pulping selectivity, yields of lignin and organic acids, and lignin structure in ethanol pulping of bambusa pervariabilis were investigated. The results showed that reuse of waste liquor could inhibit the generation of new organic acids and had a major impact on the degree of lignin degradation, 5%~15% waste liquor would be associated with a low Kappa number of pulp and good pulping selectivity. Taking into comprehensive consideration the factors including the load of waste liquor recovery, the amount of fresh ethanol used, and pulp properties, etc., it would be appropriate to set the reuse rate of waste liquor at 15%~20%. |
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