Influence of Waste Liquor Reuse on the Pulp Properties and Lignin Structure of Bambusa Pervariabilis in Ethanol Pulping
关键词:  撑篙竹  乙醇法制浆  废液回用  有机酸  木质素
Key Words:bambusa pervariabilis  ethanol pulping  waste liquor recycling  organic acids  lignin
王睿杰 大连工业大学辽宁省生物质化学与材料重点实验室辽宁大连116034 116034
平清伟* 大连工业大学辽宁省生物质化学与材料重点实验室辽宁大连116034 116034
牛梅红 大连工业大学辽宁省生物质化学与材料重点实验室辽宁大连116034 116034
盛雪茹 大连工业大学辽宁省生物质化学与材料重点实验室辽宁大连116034 116034
张健 大连工业大学辽宁省生物质化学与材料重点实验室辽宁大连116034 116034
李娜 大连工业大学辽宁省生物质化学与材料重点实验室辽宁大连116034 116034
石海强 大连工业大学辽宁省生物质化学与材料重点实验室辽宁大连116034 116034
摘要点击次数: 1192
全文下载次数: 1113
Abstract:In this study, the effects of the reuse rate of pulping waste liquor on the pulp yield, Kappa number, pulping selectivity, yields of lignin and organic acids, and lignin structure in ethanol pulping of bambusa pervariabilis were investigated. The results showed that reuse of waste liquor could inhibit the generation of new organic acids and had a major impact on the degree of lignin degradation, 5%~15% waste liquor would be associated with a low Kappa number of pulp and good pulping selectivity. Taking into comprehensive consideration the factors including the load of waste liquor recovery, the amount of fresh ethanol used, and pulp properties, etc., it would be appropriate to set the reuse rate of waste liquor at 15%~20%.
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