Separators for Lithium-ion Batteries: A Composite Network of Cellulosic Fibers and Zirconia Fibers Enhanced with Fiber-derived Additives
关键词:  电池隔膜  氧化锆纤维  纤维素纤维  纤维间结合  纤维源助剂
Key Words:battery separators  zirconia fibers  cellulosic fibers  interfiber bonding  fiber-derived additives
翟茹 东北林业大学生物质材料科学与技术教育部重点实验室绿色造纸与先进材料科技 创新团队黑龙江哈尔滨150040 150040
崔如琨 东北林业大学生物质材料科学与技术教育部重点实验室绿色造纸与先进材料科技 创新团队黑龙江哈尔滨150040 150040
钱学仁 东北林业大学生物质材料科学与技术教育部重点实验室绿色造纸与先进材料科技 创新团队黑龙江哈尔滨150040 150040
沈静* 东北林业大学生物质材料科学与技术教育部重点实验室绿色造纸与先进材料科技 创新团队黑龙江哈尔滨150040 150040
摘要点击次数: 1757
全文下载次数: 1321
摘要:将氧化锆纤维与纤维素纤维配抄成纸,利用纤维源助剂(源于针叶木浆)调控纤维网络的孔隙结构和强度,针对造纸法制备锂离子电池隔膜的可行性进行了初步探索。结果表明,与纯木浆纸相比,氧化锆纤维的加入能够提高复合纸的孔隙率与吸液率。当氧化锆纤维用量(相对于纸张定量)为40%时,与处理前相比,该复合纸的抗张指数增加50%左右,孔隙率降低10%左右,对电解液的吸液率无显著变化。由该复合纸所制备电池的电化学稳定窗口值约为4.3 V,隔膜离子电导率高达0.077 S/m,电池在循环50次后容量保持率在80%左右。
Abstract:In this study, zirconia fibers and cellulosic fibers were converted into paper with fiber-derived additives (from softwood pulp), which were used to regulate the porosity and strength of the fiber network. The feasibility was explored for the preparation of lithium-ion battery separators by paper making method. The results showed that compared with paper prepared from pure wood pulp, the addition of zirconia fiber could improve the porosity and electrolyte uptake of composite paper. When the zirconia fiber content reached 40% (based on paper basis weight), treating the composite paper with fiber-based additives led to a significant enhancement by approximately 50% in tensile strength and a reduction by around 10% in porosity compared to before treating. Additionally, there was no noticeable alteration in electrolyte sorption. The electrochemical stability window value of the battery prepared from the composite paper was about 4.3 V, and the ion conductivity of the separator was as high as 0.077 S/m, the battery maintained a capacity retention rate of approximately 80% after 50 cycles.
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